Dr. Brian Paris

High-Touch Executive Coaching With Dr. Brian Paris

Replace Cycles of Burnout with Peace of Mind, Personal Fulfillment, and Next-Level Business Performance.

It’s time to change your story. Burnout is Not A Badge Of Honor.

The real badge of honor is a Stronger Body, Sharper Mind, Regulated Emotions, and Healthier Relationships.

*Grit Still Required*

4 Months From Now, You Could Have An Entirely Different Operating System:

Peace Of Mind

Experience a calm, focused, and clear mental state.

Personal Fulfillment

Discover a deeper sense of purpose and satisfaction in your life.

Next-Level Business Performance

Elevate your professional success with enhanced mental acuity and decision-making skills.

Emotional Resilience

Cultivate the ability to navigate emotions with empathy, compassion, and self-awareness.

Holistic Habits

Establish routines that support your overall well-being, including nutrition, sleep, and self-talk.

Freedom From Dependencies

Overcome harmful patterns with work, technology, or substances – reclaiming control over your life.

I’ve been there before, and I can help if you’re experiencing:

Relentless grind and workaholism that leads to periods of burnout.

Incessant working without leveraging your time effectively.

Late nights on Instagram or dating apps, engaging in surface-level conversations.

Waking up and immediately checking your phone, creating no space for yourself.

Driving to your office with the thought of driving right past it and running away from your life

Half-hearted workouts, or skipping them completely

Inflammatory foods and unhealthy lunches out of convenience

Evenings lost to binge-watching TV and internet scrolling.

Coping and addiction: nicotine, sex, work, meaningless conversations, porn, alcohol, drugs.

Patterns leading you to rock bottom, risking becoming a statistic.

Environment impacting your happiness and fulfillment, struggling with inner conflict.

Your body needing more: fluidity, movement, flexibility, endurance, agility.

Your mind craving quiet and discernment, shifting from a dog mind to a lion mind.

Need for gratitude, emotional vocabulary, empathy, compassion, and self-awareness.

Isolation, or the opposite: always surrounding yourself with people to avoid feeling alone

Justifying everything in your mind to convince yourself it’s fine to keep doing this


I’m Dr. Brian Paris.

I understand what you’re going through and the barriers you’re facing. I’ve been completely burnt out and hit rock bottom… divorce, shut down, addictions, being numb, business losses. 

I reached a point where I had no choice but to take a deep, hard look at myself. From there I made a firm decision to take responsibility for everything in my life, to look for the lesson in everything, and adopt a mindset that life happens for me, not to me.

From over 2 decades of providing holistic health care, business ownership, coaching and parenting, I offer real-world experience and wisdom. Combined with my drive to optimize the human experience, to lead with empathy, and to push my own edges – I’ve developed a unique system for sustainable peak performance.


Replace Cycles of Burnout with Peace of Mind, Personal Fulfillment, and Next-Level Business Performance

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving peak performance is often viewed as a singular goal focused solely on professional success or athletic prowess. Holistic Performance Coaching takes a broader approach. This method integrates various aspects of your lifestyle to foster overall well-being and peak performance. 

Holistic Performance Coaching is an integrative and sustainable approach that combines elements of peak performance coaching with holistic lifestyle practices. It recognizes that true peak performance is not just about excelling in one area but involves nurturing the whole person. This includes attention to body, mind, emotion and tribe.

In 4 Months, I’ll Help You To Optimize Your:

Nutrition: A balanced diet that fuels the body, mind and manages inflammation is crucial. We work to develop a personalized nutrition plan that supports energy, focus, and recovery.

Movement:  Exercise is optional, movement is essential.  Regular physical activity tailored to your individual needs helps maintain physical fitness, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.  Specifically, dynamic and functional movement provide access to embodiment and flow states.

Sleep: Adequate rest and sleep hygiene are emphasized to ensure the body can recover and perform at its best.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices such as mindfulness and meditation help improve focus, reduce anxiety and enhance mental clarity.  Mind strengthening through focused attention, open awareness and kind intention has been proven to enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation, increase cellular function and neural integration.

Cognitive Training: Techniques to enhance memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills are often incorporated.

Emotional Intelligence: Developing skills to understand and manage emotions effectively.

Stress Management: Strategies to cope with stress and maintain emotional balance are vital for sustained performance.

We are wired to connect with others and evolved with social connection. Positive social interactions significantly influence the development of healthy neural pathways, promoting emotional regulation, empathy, and resilience.

Secure attachment, either developed or earned, within relationships provides emotional security, which is crucial for healthy ongoing psychological development.  This sense of security allows individuals to explore their environment, develop autonomy, and build a strong sense of self.

Being part of a supportive community can buffer against stress and mental health issues. Social support systems are vital for emotional well-being and can provide resources and assistance during difficult times.

Feelings of belonging and connectedness are linked to lower levels of anxiety and depression and higher levels of life satisfaction.

You’ll Receive:

Weekly 1:1
Coaching Sessions

This dedicated time allows for deep exploration, accountability, and progress tracking in your transformation journey, ensuring that you stay on course and achieve lasting results.

Private VIP Messenger Access

This continuous support and communication provide timely guidance, encouragement, and problem-solving, empowering you to overcome challenges and maintain momentum between mentorship sessions.

Optional: In-Person Intensives

These intensives provide a unique opportunity for focused attention, personalized coaching, and experiential learning, allowing you to make significant breakthroughs and accelerate your progress towards your goals.

You’ll Achieve:

Physical Transformation

Your body needs fluidity, movement, flexibility, endurance, and agility to thrive.

Mental Clarity

Quiet your mind and cultivate a lion mind mentality.

Emotional Mastery

Develop a rich vocabulary to express your emotions with clarity and grace.

Relationship Building

Human connection is essential for mental and emotional well-being.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Take the first step towards transforming your life.
Don’t let burnout define your journey – redefine it with Dr. Brian Paris.